SLCGP Bulletin - November 2023
The first year of the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) (federal fiscal year (FFY) 2022) has been well received across the state. The SLCGP Planning Committee approved funding for three projects this year:
- Individual Security and Training (131 Opportunities available/383 requests received)
- Hardware tokens for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) (Approximately 14,000 tokens funded/more than 26,000 requested)
- Transition to .GOV services (69 eligible entities requested this service)
A total of 158 eligible entities requested services from the SLCGP.
The Planning Committee, in partnership with the Department of Safety Grants Management Team, has submitted our FFY 2023 SLCGP application to CISA/FEMA for approval. All projects from FFY2022 were approved for continuation based on the demand signal and submitted for approval with increased funding levels in New Hampshire’s FFY2023 SLCGP Application. Additionally, the Municipal Cyber Defense Program (MCDP) was added as a project to increase funding levels and continue the real outcomes at the local level for cities, towns, K-12 and other eligible entities.
FFY 2023 Funding Breakdown
- Project: NH Statewide Cybersecurity Plan Refinement, Maintenance, Reporting, and Metrics Analysis
Description: Staff Augmentation to perform Plan refinement, maintenance, reporting and analyze metrics for grant management purposes.
Cost: $600,000
Grant Funds: $480,000
Match Funds: $120,000 - Project: Hardware Tokens for MFA
Description: Procure and Distribute Hardware Tokens for use by Local entities to implement Multifactor Authentication.
Cost: $1,800,000
Grant Funds: $1,440,000
Match Funds: $360,000 - Project: Migration to .gov Domain
Description: Procure Professional Services for use by local entities to migrate to the .gov domain.
Cost: $1,715,199
Grant Funds: $1,372,159.20
Match Funds: $343,039.80 - Project: Security Training Courses
Description: Leverage the Statewide Contract to purchase Learning Credits for Security Courses and Certification exams for IT Staffs, Management and Administrators. (Total $1M). Apply $1M to the NH Municipal Cyber Defense Program (MCDP) for Training and Exercises.
Cost: $2,000,000
Grant Funds: $1,600,000
Match Funds: $400,000
Total Cost: $6,115,199
Total Grant Funds: $4,892,159.20
Total Match Funds: $1,223,039.80
FFY2023 SLCGP Funding Profile – All required match dollars have been funded by the State of New Hampshire in HB2.