SLCGP Bulletin - April/May 2024
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) Update (April/May 2024)
The New Hampshire SLCGP continues to turn Federal Dollars into real outcomes for local entities across the State. Here’s an update on our first-year projects.
Distributed more than 17,000 Yubikeys with requests for ~7,000 still outstanding.
Are you part of the 7,000? Didn’t get yours?? We’ll fill the remaining orders with FFY23 grant funds – coming soon.
Didn’t order yours yet? You can get your request in here: Request Form
Please submit your orders as soon as possible so we know how many tokens to order. We don’t want to overspend AND we don’t want to underspend.
The Overwatch Foundation has begun working with a pilot group of 5 requesters.
The Pilots are intended to sort out the tech stack(s), verify process and procedures, and incrementally improve delivery of this turn-key service.
If you requested this service but have not heard from Overwatch yet, don’t worry… you are still on the list.
If you think you are an “easy case” and are ready to go both from a leadership commitment and a technical health position, send Sean an email at cybergrants@doit.nh.gov and we’ll see about getting you to the top of the list for migration.
Wherever possible, we’d like to help Overwatch transition the Town/PD/FD/ and Library at the same time if requested. If you are a County, we’d like to get all your entities (County Offices, Sherrif, Jail, Nursing Home, etc.) at the same time as well. Thank you!
BTW - We are receiving National recognition for this program, so please tell your friends and neighbors to take advantage of it!
131 vouchers have been provided to individuals for the CompTIA Security+ training course plus certification exam.
Exciting News for this year’s training project!! – We are going to make a variety of courses available. However, if you are a Chief Technology Officer (or equivalent) for your School, Town, City, or County and you don’t already have your CISSP certification, you will be our #1 priority to receive this Training and Certification under the Grant Program. Who’s got your back? The SLCGP Planning Committee does, that’s who!